Sunday, June 19, 2011

In which the air is too thick to breathe.

Oh my goodness, it is so humid tonight! When I left the house to go to work, you could see the air! It's so humid, the air is hazy! It may be 104 in Phoenix, but the air is so thick you can eat it with a spoon in Northern Illinois tonight, so hah!

Tonight was the first night of the summer concerts in the park, and we all went because we actually know someone who is playing in the city band this year. Rachel and Ash took Maddy to her first concert in the park, and guess what? She's really too little enjoy it. Rich and Rachel took her to play on some of the park equipment and to ride the carousel, instead.

Laura, Rachel and their mom were there, and various other friends, so it was fun and a nice little outing. When our kids were little, we went every Sunday night and sat on the grass on the hill behind the seats, with all of our friends and their kids, but since our kids have grown up they are no longer interested in rolling down the big hill or picking blackberries while fighting off giant mosquitoes.

Now that we have a reason to attend the concerts, it is fun again, and I hope we'll keep going. It will be something more to add to the list of Things We Can Do for Fun While Kim is Gone.

Kim and Sando are having their last gaming night at our house tonight. I think they are going to ride bikes together on Tuesday, so this is not the last thing they will do together before she leaves, but it's the last gaming night! (Until she gets back in December.)

The top I'm knitting for Kim is moving along and there is an actual possibility that I could finish it before she goes. I'm going to keep working on it!

1 comment :

  1. hi Audrey, sounds like Kim is all ready to go and super excited to begin a new chapter in her book of life. I feel for you, but with chat that uses cameras you can visit with her daily that way. Take care and knit away. =^..^=
