Sunday, December 13, 2009

Went to a baby shower!

Not that I have anything interesting to write about, I just have a few minutes to kill while I wait for my crops to be ready to harvest in Farmville.

Last night I went to a baby shower for Rachel given by the nurses she works with. She received a massive amount of cute pink baby clothes! After the shower, one of the nurses brought in three bags full of cute pink baby clothes that her girls wore when they were babies, so yeah, Rachel has plenty of clothes for the baby now.

The house where the shower was held was lovely, and the food was very good, too. ALso there was a lot of hospital gossip, and what's not to like about that?

Rich stayed home with the cats and watched golf or something on TV. I was glad to get away for a while. I thought there was nothing to watch on TV when we had cable, but now there is really nothing to watch! I think we are going to need to get cable back, because I miss the Food Network.

What I'm knitting today: A loose-fitting hat for Kim, from a pattern that I got free with the yarn. The yarn is a lovely soft wool called Taos that I ordered from Patternworks, because I liked the hat pattern.

What I'm reading today: I'm re-reading some books on my Kindle. Nothing very exciting. Just finished One Fifth Avenue, and started Beverly Hills Adjacent.

There's just not a lot happening here. Kim will be around next week, maybe I'll have something to write about then.


  1. food network is what I miss the most toooooo!

  2. COme on over I still have the food network! Watching golf on TV? I would have to shoot myself! Good thing you could get away and have fun.

  3. Did you tell me you were cancelling cable? Because you know I really don't miss anything except Project Runway and Top Chef.

  4. So glad she has lots of clothes! Are they registered anywhere? What do they still need?
