Saturday, November 7, 2009

In which I was stuck at home.

I didn't wake up until about 11:30 this afternoon and I had a message on my phone that Rachel had just called. I called her back, and she was just leaving work! Her tale of how she ended up working 16 hours was a sad one, involving a crazy patient, a CNA with Swine Flu, and assorted other hospital happenings. So she was on her way home at last.

I made chicken noodle soup and did some laundry and then ... pretty much nothing. I farmed my farm on Farmville, and collected three stray cats and a pink cow, thanks to the helpful suggestions from friends for how to get their updates to show up on my facebook page! Jeff told me that cats give you yarn, not hairballs as Rachel suggested.

So Rich was going to a meeting in Rockford at 5 and I was supposed to meet him there at 7, and bring Rachel with me. But then Rich's car wouldn't start so he had to take the van, and Rachel felt sick when she woke up, so we both stayed home.

Which was fine, I took a walk, by myself, and played around with my farm, also by myself, and then I was bored. I knew this was going to happen, I knew it was going to be a long weekend, and I'm really looking forward to going back to work.

I was so bored, I thought I would just take a trip to W@lmart and walk around, buy a bag of onions, and some new earbuds for my iPod that Ash fixed for me (yay!), so I put on my shoes and a was reaching for my purse when I remembered - I have Rich's car and it won't start! Crap.

So I didn't go out. I stayed home. Did I mention that I was alone? I called Diana but she was at a party, so I just wrote a little more on my story and then I knitted on the never-ending sock for RA (and it's almost done, whew!) while I watched a very crappy movie on Netflix.

I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow night.


  1. a. did you remember to buy pie crust and b. what crappy movie did you watch?

  2. I didn't buy pie crust because I didn't go to the store, and the movie was called Checking Out and it was very bad. It had a couple of actors I really like in it, but the script was terrible and they didn't really sell their lines, either.
